CSE HTML Validator Standard/Professional/Lite CSS Inserter Configuration by AI Internet Solutions (http://www.htmlvalidator.com/)
Last updated: December 7, 2004
IMPORTANT! If you modify or customize this file, make a backup because it may be overwritten the next time you install or reinstall HTML Validator. If you want to customize this configuration file, consider customizing the User Inserter instead.
For detailed documentation about this file, see the "Text Inserters" topic in help.
1-press return after inserting text
2-don't change (preserve) case when inserting text
4-line separator
8-close (actually hide) tag inserter (new v4.51)
16-CSS property (new v5.02)
32-don't change case if XHTML document (new v5.4910)
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':active' hint='CSS1: Pseudo-class that sets styles when an element is being activated by the user.'/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':after' hint="CSS2: Pseudo-class that specifies the content location to be after an element's document tree content."/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':before' hint="CSS2: Pseudo-class that specifies the content location to be before an element's document tree content."/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':first' hint="CSS2: Pseudo-class that specifies styles for the first page of a document."/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':first-child' hint="CSS2: Pseudo-class that matches an element that is the first child of some other element."/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':first-letter' hint='CSS1: Pseudo-class that applies styles to the first letter of an element.'/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':first-line' hint='CSS1: Pseudo-class that applies styles to the first line of an element.'/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':focus' hint='CSS2: Pseudo-class that sets styles when an element has the focus.'/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':hover' hint='CSS2: Pseudo-class that sets styles when the user designates an element but does not activate it.'/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':lang(|)' hint='CSS2: Pseudo-class that matches if the element is in the language.'/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':left' hint="CSS2: Pseudo-class that sets styles for the left page when printing double-sided documents."/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':link' hint='CSS1: Pseudo-class that sets styles for an unvisited hyperlink.'/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':right' hint="CSS2: Pseudo-class that sets styles for the right page when printing double-sided documents."/>
<tag menu=':' flags='16' inserttext=':visited' hint='CSS1: Pseudo-class that sets styles for a visited hyperlink.'/>
<tag menu='!' flags='16' inserttext='!important' hint='CSS1: Make style declaration important (raise its weight in the cascade).'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border: ' hint='CSS1: Shorthand way to express various border properties.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-bottom: ' hint='CSS1: Shorthand to define width, color, and style of the bottom border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-bottom-color: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the color of the bottom border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-bottom-style: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the style of the bottom border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-bottom-width: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the width of the bottom border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-collapse: ' hint="CSS2: Sets a table's border model (collapse, separate)."/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-color: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the foreground color of the overall border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-left: ' hint='CSS1: Shorthand to define width, color, and style of the left border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-left-color: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the color of the left border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-left-style: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the style of the left border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-left-width: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the width of the left border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-right: ' hint='CSS1: Shorthand to define width, color, and style of the right border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-right-color: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the color of the right border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-right-style: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the style of the right border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-right-width: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the width of the right border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-spacing: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the distance that separates adjacent cell borders.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-style: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the style of the overall border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-top: ' hint='CSS1: Shorthand to define width, color, and style of the top border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-top-color: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the color of the top border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-top-style: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the style of the top border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-top-width: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the width of the top border.'/>
<tag menu='B' submenu='border' flags='16' inserttext='border-width: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the width of the overall border.'/>
<tag menu='B' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='B' flags='16' inserttext='bottom: ' hint="CSS2: Specifies how far a box's bottom content edge is offset above the bottom edge of the box's containing block."/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='caption-side: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the position of the caption box (top, bottom, left, right).'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='clear: ' hint='CSS1: Defines the sides of an element where no floating images may be placed (none, left, right, both).'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='clip: ' hint='CSS2: Modify the clipping region of an element (<shape>, auto).'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='color: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the foreground color of an element.'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='content: ' hint='CSS2: Used with the :before and :after psuedo-elements to generate content.'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='counter-increment: ' hint='CSS2: Indicate by how much the counter is incremented for every occurrence of the element.'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='counter-reset: ' hint='CSS2: Resets a list of counter names (each name can be optionally followed by an integer).'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='cue: ' hint='CSS2: Shorthand way to set cue-before and cue-after.'/>
<tag menu='C' flags='16' inserttext='cursor: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed for the pointing device (<uri>, auto, crosshair, default, pointer, move, etc.).'/>
<tag menu='D' flags='16' inserttext='direction: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the base writing direction of blocks (and more) (ltr, rtl).'/>
<tag menu='D' flags='16' inserttext='display: ' hint='CSS1: Classifies elements into broad categories (block, inline, list-item, none, and more for CSS2).'/>
<tag menu='E' flags='16' inserttext='empty-cells: ' hint='CSS2: Controls the rendering of borders around cells with no visible content (show, hide).'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='float: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the float direction for an element (left, right, none).'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font: ' hint='CSS1: Shorthand way to express various font properties.'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font-family: ' hint='CSS1: Declares a specific font, generic font family, or both.'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font-size: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the font size.'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font-size-adjust: ' hint='CSS2: Specify an aspect value for an element.'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font-stretch: ' hint='CSS2: Selects a normal, condensed, or extended face from a font family (normal, wider, narrower, etc.).'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font-style: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the font style (normal, italic, oblique).'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font-variant: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the font variant (normal, small-caps).'/>
<tag menu='F' flags='16' inserttext='font-weight: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the font weight (normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100, 200, etc.).'/>
<tag menu='H' flags='16' inserttext='height: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the height of an element.'/>
<tag menu='L' flags='16' inserttext='left: ' hint="CSS2: Specifies how far a box's left content edge is offset to the right of the left edge of the box's containing block."/>
<tag menu='L' flags='16' inserttext='letter-spacing: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the amount of whitespace between letters.'/>
<tag menu='L' flags='16' inserttext='list-style: ' hint='CSS1: Shorthand way to express various list-style properties.'/>
<tag menu='L' flags='16' inserttext='list-style-image: ' hint='CSS1: Declare an image to use as the "bullet" in an ordered or unordered list (<url>, none).'/>
<tag menu='L' flags='16' inserttext='list-style-position: ' hint='CSS1: Declare the position of the "bullet" or number in a list (inside, outside).'/>
<tag menu='L' flags='16' inserttext='list-style-type: ' hint='CSS1: Declare the type of numbering system to use in a list (disc, circle, square, etc.).'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='margin: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the overall margin size of an element.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='margin-bottom: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the bottom margin.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='margin-left: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the left margin.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='margin-right: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the right margin.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='margin-top: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the top margin.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='marker-offset: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the distance between the nearest border edges of a marker box and its associated principal box.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='marks: ' hint='CSS2: In printing, specifies whether cross marks or crop marks or both should be rendered just outside the page box edge.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='max-height: ' hint='CSS2: Use max- and min-height to constrain box height to a certain range.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='max-width: ' hint='CSS2: Use max- and min-width to constrain box width to a certain range.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='min-height: ' hint='CSS2: Use max- and min-height to constrain box height to a certain range.'/>
<tag menu='M' flags='16' inserttext='min-width: ' hint='CSS2: Use max- and min-width to constrain box width to a certain range.'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='16' inserttext='orphans: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the min number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page.'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='16' inserttext='outline: ' hint='CSS2: Shorthand way to express various outline properties.'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='16' inserttext='outline-color: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the foreground color of the overall outline.'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='16' inserttext='outline-style: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the style of the overall outline.'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='16' inserttext='outline-width: ' hint='CSS2: Sets the width of the overall outline.'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='O' flags='16' inserttext='overflow: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies whether the content of a block-level element is clipped when it overflows (visible, hidden, scroll, auto).'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='padding: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the overall padding size of an element.'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='padding-bottom: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the bottom padding.'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='padding-left: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the left padding.'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='padding-right: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the right padding.'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='padding-top: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the size of the top padding.'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='page: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies a particular type of page where an element should be displayed.'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='page-break-after: ' hint='CSS2: Indicates where the user agent may or should break pages (auto, always, avoid, left, right).'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='page-break-before: ' hint='CSS2: Indicates where the user agent may or should break pages (auto, always, avoid, left, right).'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='page-break-inside: ' hint='CSS2: Indicates where the user agent may or should break pages (avoid, auto).'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='pause: ' hint='CSS2: Shorthand for setting pause-before and pause-after.'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='pause-after: ' hint="CSS2: Specify a pause after speaking an element's content."/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='pause-before: ' hint="CSS2: Specify a pause before speaking an element's content."/>
<tag menu='P' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='pitch: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the average pitch of the speaking voice (<frequency>, x-low, low, medium, high, x-high).'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='pitch-range: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies variation in average pitch (<number>).'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='play-during: ' hint="CSS2: Specifies a sound to be played as background while an element's content is spoken."/>
<tag menu='P' flags='16' inserttext='position: ' hint="CSS2: Determine which CSS2 algorithm is used to calculate the position of a box (static, relative, absolute, fixed)."/>
<tag menu='Q' flags='16' inserttext='quotes: ' hint="CSS2: Specifies quotation marks for any number of embedded quotations."/>
<tag menu='R' flags='16' inserttext='rgb(|)' hint="CSS1: Specifies a color (rgb(red,green,blue))."/>
<tag menu='R' flags='16' inserttext='richness: ' hint="CSS2: Specifies the richness, or brightness, of the speaking voice (<number>)."/>
<tag menu='R' flags='16' inserttext='right: ' hint="CSS2: Specifies how far a box's right content edge is offset to the left of the right edge of the box's containing block."/>
<tag menu='S' flags='16' inserttext='size: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the size and orientation of a page box (<length>{1,2}, auto, portrait, landscape).'/>
<tag menu='S' flags='4'/>
<tag menu='S' flags='16' inserttext='speak: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies whether to render text aurally and in what manner. (normal, none, spell-out).'/>
<tag menu='S' flags='16' inserttext='speak-header: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies when table headers are spoken (once, always).'/>
<tag menu='S' flags='16' inserttext='speak-numeral: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies how numerals are spoken (digits, continuous).'/>
<tag menu='S' flags='16' inserttext='speak-punctuation: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies how punctuation is spoken (code, none).'/>
<tag menu='T' flags='16' inserttext='text-shadow: ' hint='CSS2: Applies shadow effects to the text of the element.'/>
<tag menu='T' flags='16' inserttext='text-transform: ' hint='CSS1: Changes the case of the letters in the element (capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, none).'/>
<tag menu='T' flags='16' inserttext='top: ' hint="CSS2: Specifies how far a box's top content edge is offset below the top edge of the box's containing block."/>
<tag menu='U' flags='16' inserttext='url(|)' hint="CSS1: Specifies a url."/>
<tag menu='V' flags='16' inserttext='vertical-align: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the baseline vertical alignment with respect to line-height (baseline, sub, super, etc.).'/>
<tag menu='V' flags='16' inserttext='visibility: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies whether the boxes generated by an element are rendered (visible, hidden, collapse).'/>
<tag menu='V' flags='16' inserttext='voice-family: ' hint='CSS2: Comma-separated, prioritized list of voice family names.'/>
<tag menu='V' flags='16' inserttext='volume: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the median volume of the waveform (<number>, <percentage>, silent, x-soft, soft, medium, loud, x-loud).'/>
<tag menu='W' flags='16' inserttext='white-space: ' hint='CSS1: Defines how to treat whitespace in the element (normal, pre, nowrap).'/>
<tag menu='W' flags='16' inserttext='widows: ' hint='CSS2: Specifies the min number of lines of a paragraph that must be left at the top of a page.'/>
<tag menu='W' flags='16' inserttext='width: ' hint='CSS1: Sets the width of an element.'/>